Friday, February 28, 2014


WELCOME! This blog is dedicated to transforming secular songs into spiritual songs. When I was growing up I enjoyed secular music, especially rock music, and like many others would sing along with the lyrics without thinking much about it. Well, I survived adolescence without too much tragedy, but even now as an adult many years later I hear some of these same secular songs on the radio and start singing along, but over time I began inserting my own lyrics into some of these songs so that they would be MORE POSITIVE and more edifying to God and praiseworthy of Him and of the Christian lifestyle. Hence, on this blog you will periodically find the name of a song and the group or singer who sings the song, and I will give you my suggestion for a "spiritual song switch for Christ." This is especially for Christians, but if you're not a Christian, maybe this will help you in other ways in terms of a positive, happier lifestyle. And of course, you are always welcome to become a Christian at any time by simply repenting of your sins, asking God for grace , and professing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior for the rest of your life. I hope you will. And I hope you enjoy this blog. God bless you all ! 

Here are a few samples of "song switch" 
(or lyric switch, to be exact):
#1"I feel Like Making Love" by Bad Company: well, if you are married, "making love" is a good thing, but too often people attempt to "make love" when there is no real when you hear this song, insert 



 for "making love" (unless you are married and in the mood, of course, ha ha) 

#2 Tom Petty sings "Last chance for Mary Jane to kill the pain...".."Mary Jane" is a nickname for marijuana, and this is a day & age where marijuana is becoming increasingly popular and even legal in some places. Apart from any argument about smoking marijuana I think we can mostly agree that if you're using marijuana to "kill the pain" (which seems to be more about "emotional pain" in this context than physical pain for which so-called "medical marijuana" might be prescribed with a "wink wink" in some cases) on a regular basis, there are some problems or issues that are not being properly addressed. Some people need to see a counselor, or psychologist  etc to learn how to deal properly with emotional pain or abusive relationships etc. So let's try to avoid overly-glorifying marijuana and here's a possible "song switch"

"...NOT the Last chance for Mary, praise one more chance to
 save a soul..."
this is especially good for Catholics who are more inclined to ask Mary for intercessory prayer for themselves & others albeit this is not to place Mary on the same level of glory as the Trinity) . Next time you hear this song, say a prayer or ask mary for intercessory prayer for somebody who does not yet know Jesus Christ ! 

#3 Metallica sings a song that says, in part, "Off to never, never, land..."  ...not sure what this is supposed to mean...but how about

"Off to heaven, heaven, land...!"
Concentrate on the positive , on our final destination as Christians rather than trying to escape this world here & now thru various forms of unhealthy  choices (ie dangerous drugs, sexual addictive activities, etc. )